Rio de Janeiro Pass: Your pass to 30 attractions

Guides and discussions about Rio de Janeiro destinations.
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falandodeviagem Mensagens: 19856 Administrador
Sex Abr 01, 2011 9:57 am
Rio de Janeiro Pass: Your pass to 30 attractions



The Rio de Janeiro Pass is a card that gives you free pass to countless attractions in Rio de Janeiro. There are more than 30 different attractions that you will be able to visit after purchasing yours which can be serious savings.

You should pick how many days you`d like to purchase: 1, 3 ou 7.

Check out the prices.


You can purchase it with your cartão de crédito.

The functionality of this card is very similar to others like Go Miami Card, New York Pass e Roma Pass.

Check out the institutional video.



The Rio de Janeiro Pass is also available on social networks. Check it out:


These are some of the attractions you will have Access after purchasing Rio de Janeiro Pass.

- Cristo Redentor
- Pão de Açúcar
- Forte de Copacabana
- Aluguel de bicicleta no Arpoador
- Tirolesa na Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas
- Aluguel de quadriciclo na Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas
- Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas de Patins
- Aluguel de bicicleta em Copacabana
- City Tour pela Cidade Maravilhosa
- Passeio de jeep na Floresta da Tijuca
- Favela Tour
- Massagem on the beach
- Planetário do Rio
- Museu Nacional
- Mosteiro de São Bento

To see a full list of all the attractions and a brief information about each place you could visit, click here.

The card is activated after your first use. From that date on the available days will start to count and they will be consecutive days. So, even if you don`t use you will loose the day. Therefore is always best to plan accordingly.

You can purchase your Rio de Janeiro Pass through the internet and claim for it ar Rio In Box store (by Vitacura), located in Copacabana. There`s also the delivery option paying a small fee of R$20,00.

We decided to get ours personally and the store is located at one of the most agitated avenue of Copacabana so it was very easy to find. See pictures of the store, below.



Arriving at the store the whole process is pretty easy: you just have to inform the generated code you`ve been given at the time od the purchase on the internet. Some minutes and you have the card. Quick and simple as that.

Enquanto você espera poderá aproveitar para realizar compras na loja. Cada cartão te dará R$5,00 de crédito. O valor é cumulativo, então quanto mais cartões você comprar, mais desconto terá.

While waiting for the card to be issued you can check out some souvenirs on site. The store have a great range of products and some are good gifts to take back home. Every card will give you a R$5,00 credit bonus. It`s cumulative so the more cards you purchase more discount you`ll have.

If you wish to enjoy the city this is a great opportunity. You`ll have the chance to experience the city that maybe you wouldn`t if you had to pay for it. And even more: you will be saving money and time!

We`ll be putting the card to test throughout april. Wait to read or reviews on every little aspect of the whole experience.

And what about you? Have you ever used the Rio de Janeiro Pass? Think it`s worthy? Do you recommend any attraction in particular? Share with us your experience!


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