Arpoador by the Sunset

Guides and discussions about Rio de Janeiro destinations.
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falandodeviagem Mensagens: 19856 Administrador
Qui Fev 03, 2011 6:18 pm
For tourists or locals, watching the sunset at Arpoador is na excellent end of the day program. You can either watch by the sand in the beach or by a kiosk or even up by the Pedras do Arpoardor (the rocks). Anywhere you choose will be excellent and you will certainly enjoy. From our point of view is one of the most beautiful spots to watch the Sunset.

From Arpoador you can see Ipanema, Leblon and Morro Dois Irmãos. Enjoy your sunset and walk along the Rocks because the path sis easy and the view up there is amazing.

If you'd like to know another great place there's a small beach called Praia do Diabo. It`s usually for locals that take their dogs to have fun. Just be careful because of the rough sea and relax.

How to get there?

Pretty easy! Arpoador is located by the end of Ipanema. If you walk along Ipanema Beach towards Copacabana you will pass by Arpoador.

Here's some pictures below taken while we had a little stroll by the beach.









Isn't it a beautiful place?

What about you? Where do you prefer to watch the sunset here at Rio de Janeiro? Tell us your experiences!

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JLito Mensagens: 790
Dom Fev 08, 2015 11:57 am
Não sabia que haviam tópicos em inglês no FDV. Há foristas estrangeiros por aqui ??

Acho que seria legal a criação de uma área do tipo "tira-dúvidas" para viajantes estrangeiros que estivessem vindo para cá ou desejassem conhecer o Brasil. Há alguma estimativa de quantos foristas estrangeiros o FDV possui ?

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