Seguro viagem com cobertura de 2 milhões de dólares

Informações sobre Seguro Viagem.
McFly Mensagens: 55
Sáb Jun 08, 2019 9:32 pm
Contrato há anos mas nunca precisei usar.
Só recentemente resolvi ler as letras miúdas, e me chamou atenção o fato de não cobrir infarto ou AVC, que são dois sinistros relativamente comuns. Alguém sabe se é comum essa exclusão nas apólices das demais seguradoras?

1. Accidents or loss caused by or contributed to by any of the following:
a. Terrorism, war or act of war, whether declared or undeclared;
b. Your participation in a riot, insurrection or violent disorder;
c. Your service in the armed forces of any country;
d. Suicide or attempted suicide or self-inflicted injury, while sane or insane;
e. The voluntary use of any chemical compound, poison or drug, unless used according to the
directions of a physician;
f. Committing or attempting to commit a felony;
g. Sickness, mental health disorder, or pregnancy;
h. As the result of intoxication as defined by the laws of the jurisdiction in which the accident
occurred, whether directly or indirectly;
i. Myocardial infarction or cerebrovascular accident (CVA/Stroke);
j. Infection,exceptinfectionthroughawoundcausedsolelybyanaccident;
k. Injury while riding, boarding, or alighting from an aircraft if you were operating the aircraft,
learning to operate the aircraft, serving as a member of the aircraft crew, or if the aircraft was
being used for any purpose other than passenger transportation; l. Medicalorsurgicaltreatmentforanyoftheabove;or
m.Any non-covered sports activities.

oviajador Mensagens: 97
Sáb Ago 03, 2019 9:45 pm
Acho que a desvantagem desse seguro viagem é que em caso de problemas que só se resolvam judicialmente não será possível acionar o judiciário brasileiro.

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